▍1. ShowRubyCube
魔方,供大家学习交流!里面有详细的注解,方便学习使用!(Rubik s cube, for everybody to learn communication!There is a detailed comments, convenient and learn to use!)
魔方,供大家学习交流!里面有详细的注解,方便学习使用!(Rubik s cube, for everybody to learn communication!There is a detailed comments, convenient and learn to use!)
基于规则的推理系统实现,可以用来实现一些专家系统(rule-based reasoning system)
用VB做出来的动态雨景,全屏的时候看上去挺不错的(VB to do with the rain out of the dynamic scene, when the full screen looks pretty good)
这是一个构造最小生成树的Prim算法,是属于贪心算法的范畴。设G=(V,E)是连同带权图,V={1,2,3,...,n}。构造G的最小生成树。(This is a structure of Prim minimum spanning tree algorithm is a greedy algorithm category. Set G = (V, E) is, together with the weighted graph, V = (1,2,3 ,..., n). G of the minimum spanning tree structure.)
VBA:Outlook邮件附件另存/删除(Outlook_VBAattachments save asattachments delete)
程序是关于四则运算的,对操作数进行+,——,*,/运算,有强大的功能(Program is about to operate, then the number+,-,*,/operations, a powerful functions)
信心社区(战士网盟社区) sql版本,欢迎大家下载(Faith communities (community network alliance warrior) sql version, welcome to download)
A few programs showing on how to create music using loops in gwbasic
Java 实现的控制鼠标左右键 单击画小方格 双击删掉 鼠标移动到方格上面cursor不一样(Java to achieve control of the mouse button click or double-click to delete pictures of small grid squares mouse cursor not the same as above)
一个MFC的入门小程序,帮助您了解MFC,建立起对MFC的学习兴趣(MFC entry of a small program to help you understand the MFC, interest in learning to build on the MFC)
graphic.h,c语言图形的头文件,你们看这,有用的话下载一下,其实我上传的原因你们懂的(graphic.h, c language header graphic, you see this, useful, download what, in fact, I understand your reasons for uploading)
一种分形维数的计算方法,一种分形维数的计算方法(A fractal dimension method, a fractal dimension calculation)
一种比较简单的加密方法,存成Form1.frm,就可以打开了(This is a simple encryption algorithm)
介绍了当前谐波检测的主流的几种技术,包括瞬时无功功率理论,自适应检测理论,傅里叶变换理论等,并做了相应的建模分析(Introduced the mainstream of current harmonic detection of several techniques, including instantaneous reactive power theory, adaptive detection theory, Fourier transform theory, and do the corresponding modeling analysis)
VB定时关机软件 可以打开设置关机时间 有距离多少小时关机 和当前时间显示与关机时间显示(VB timed shutdown software can open the set off time how many hours the shutdown and the current time is displayed with the shutdown time)
还款方式为等额本息还款法,求出每个月还款的本金、每个月的利息以及总利息分别是多少元。(Repayment of principal and interest equal repayment method, find the monthly repayment of principal, interest and total interest each month how many dollars respectively.)
这是一个关于三角网格的程序的一部分,需要在vc++中应用(This is a triangular mesh on the part of the procedure, the need for vc++ Application)
一个简单的计算器两个类。还只是完成+、-、×、÷运算而已。GUI只是用了AWT,很简单,相信一看就能懂了(A simple two-type calculator. Only just completed+,-,×,÷ computing. GUI only used the AWT, is very simple, I believe will be able to understand a look)
袖珍计算器,能简单实现加减乘除,乘方,开根号等基础功能(Pocket calculator, can simply realize arithmetic, involution, roots and other basic functions)