▍1. suoxianghuan
锁相环相关知识,包含二阶 三阶 锁相环的介绍以及编程实例汇总(Phase-locked-related knowledge, presentation and programming examples included 2nd and 3rd order PLL summary)
锁相环相关知识,包含二阶 三阶 锁相环的介绍以及编程实例汇总(Phase-locked-related knowledge, presentation and programming examples included 2nd and 3rd order PLL summary)
通信导航设计相关问题解答,包含了滤波器设计和信号处理的相关流程(Communication and navigation design-related questions, including the relevant processes filter design and signal processing)
介绍了混沌动力学和分形的基本原理,并着重讨论了他们在智能信息处理中的作用(Introduces the basic principle of chaos and fractal, and discusses them in intelligent information processing function)
一步步教你软件通过WHQL和DTM测试,商业软件很有用(WHQLand DTMTEST wlk-1.6-logo-testing-step-by-step)
guia de emprendedores(empesar una pyme)
一场演讲,震撼百年。求过,只想下载一个matlab程序。。(a great speach...)
在MATLAB 环境下一些图像处理的例子,MATLAB R2008数字图像处理与分析实例教程源程序.(Some examples in MATLAB environment for image processing, MATLAB R2008 digital image processing and analysis tutorial examples source.)
光学薄膜设计与优化,列举和对比介绍了多种光学薄膜的设计方法与优化技术。(Design and optimization of optical films, lists and describes the design method comparing a variety of optical films and optimization techniques.)
复杂目标的雷达回波模拟及RD算法SAR成像(Radar echo simulation of complex targets and RD SAR imaging algorithm)
lsb water marking lsb water marking lsb water marking lsb water marking lsb water marking lsb water marking lsb water marking
In the 80′s most companies did not improve their service level because of the Economy Model in exercise and because of financial reasons. In this brief paper i try to demonstrate this statement.
matlab 数学手册,里面涵盖了矩阵的基本运算,函数和类等数学知识与Matlab软件应用的结合(matlab mathematical manual, which covers the combination of mathematics and other basic matrix operations, functions and classes and Matlab software applications)
3GPP LTE测试协议,适用于无线通信领域的研究人员,学生,教师,和工程技术人员使用。由3gpp ran5工作组讨论并发布。(3GPP LTE testing protocol, it is used by research ,students ,teachers and engineerings .It is released by 3gpp RAN5 work group.)