▍1. downwhen
Shut down, save the file first when you try
COM+TCP控制作。功能强大,拿去测试(COM+TCP u63A7 u5236 u4F5C u3002 u529F u80FD u5F3A u5927 uFF0C u62FF u53BB u6D4B u8BD5)
网吧呼叫网管,自助购物,可实现网络授权,TCP/IP协议,SQLSERVER数据库(netbar call manager or buy item,add pc key,TCP/IP and SQLSERVER)
PHP5.2 5.3 5.4等 zend加密代码解密(PHP5.2 5.3 5.4 Zend encryption code decryption)
可实现OFDM电力载波通信的前导序列检测,能进行连续多个前导检测(Can achieve OFDM power carrier communication leading sequence detection, can carry out a number of continuous preamble detection)
VB做的小游戏,是学校夏季学期的大作业,名字叫水果大餐,小游戏的原理跟俄罗斯方块很像,只是把一个个方块变成了一些水果(VB to do a small game, big summer semester of school work, called fruit feast, with the principle of small game like Tetris, just one block into some fruit)
通过VB向Excel读取以及写入数据的操作(VB read and write data excel)
Image Database 2.5.0 (w/ thumbnails)
经典的TSP变形问题,可以帮助我们更加快速的学习TSP问题(Classical TSP deformation, can help us learn more quickly TSP problem)
可根据时间自动对指定的文件备份到指定的位置。(According to the time automatically to the specified file backup to the specified location.)
用vb语言进行一些高级编程,让我们见识到了vb语言的真正强大。(With vb language for some advanced programming, let us see the vb language is really powerful.)
C语言黑客编程[2] -关机、重启、注销功能的实现(C programming language hacker [2] - shutdown, reboot, logout functions to achieve)
this code calculate how use this programmation
分数阶滑模工具箱,可用于解决阶次比较低的时候(fractional order sliding mode )
VB邮件群发程序,群发时可选择这些邮件到右侧,在下面设置邮件主题,下边输入邮件内容,最后点击“发送邮件”按钮就可以。内有配置说明。(VB mail program, mass can choose these messages to the right side, in the following settings to the subject of the message, the following input message content, and finally click send mail button can be. Configuration instructions within. )
lcd tft 32 for arm7 lpc1768-cortexm3-arm7 tft lcd touch color
说明: 利用四阶的龙格库塔法求解一阶微分方程组。(Fourth-order Runge-Kutta method for solving one-order differential equations)