▍1. PWM-dianji
基于PWM的直流电机的闭环调速控制系统设计(PWM based closed loop DC motor speed control system design)
基于PWM的直流电机的闭环调速控制系统设计(PWM based closed loop DC motor speed control system design)
数码管显示I LOVE Y,此程序为51单片机程序,如需使用请自我更改(The digital display I LOVE Y-this program for 51 single-chip program, For self-use, please change)
单片机的片外数据存储仿真电路图以及开发源程序。(The single chip microcomputer of data storage simulation diagram and the development of the source program.)
利用cc2430芯片的zigbee模块(天运科技的模块),做的温度采集无线网络(Use cc2430 chip zigbee module, do temperature gathering a wireless network)
智能路灯的节能控制器的源码程序 用于智能路灯的节能控制(Intelligent energy saving controller for street lamp Intelligent energy saving controller for street lamp)
基于pic16f676 EEPROM的问题 用软件仿真没问题,但烧到片子里,不能正常运行。情况是这样的:假如循环向EEPROM中写数据,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,然后读,发现每一位读出的都一样,是写循环中第一个写进去的字节,也就是9。其他的并没有写进去。 EEPROM的写通过判断标志位就可以,但是在下一次写之前要清除上一次写完成的标志位。也就是说,每次写完要清除完成标志位,否则下一次写不进去。(Based on pic16f676 EEPROM problem With the software simulation no problem, but burn to film, not normal operation. The fact of the matter is: if cycle to write the data of EEPROM, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, then read, and found that each of the read, write the first cycle is written in bytes, also is 9. The other are not written in. Write through the judgement of EEPROM sign a can, but in the next write to remove the last completed before writing the sign of a. That is, every time to remove the written finish marks a, or the next write in. )
自动存包柜的几个功能模块程序。这个LCD显示屏128x64的程序等。(Automatic deposit packet counters, function block.)
自制舵机 材料 MCU 马达 电位器 由AVR单片机实现舵机主控制程序 (AVR come ture douji)
数字表,自动安秒计数,自带按键停止,清零功能。适用于51系列单片机(digital clock asm file for 51.)
自动天调代码,展示控制过程,来自国外网站,值得研究学习!(AUTO ANTANNA TUNER CODE)
matlab 供给电子信息学生使用 绝对好用的(matlab using for stdudent)
1、定位 全方位、非商业而且有自己独特风格的黑客及安全站点。 2、目的 a、整理和发掘网络安全、黑客方面技术文献及工具、代码。 b、发布我们——包括任何一个对安全有想法的朋友——的想法和发现,为大家提供发布文章及安全、黑客相关工具的园地。 c、结识更多有共同志向的朋友,共同研究、讨论网络安全的方方面面。 (1, positioning All-round, non-commercial and has its own unique style of hacking and security sites. 2, the purpose of a, organize and explore the network security, hacker tools for technical documentation and code. b, release us- including the idea of any security with a friend- ideas and discoveries, as we publish articles and provide security, hacking tools of garden. c, a common ambition to get to know more friends, to study, discuss all aspects of network security. )
用微机汇编语言编写时钟程序,能够显示几分几秒的那种(Clock with a computer program written in assembly language )
一个简单的定时器,随着时间的切换,它可以闪现预定义的图片。(A timer which could show pictures by fixed frequency.)