▍1. autoupdate
autoupdate application
实现了简单的windows undoredo操作,并且有自动保护功能(Achieve a simple windows undoredo operation, and automatic protection function)
Freebsd 安全審計 Freebsd 安全審計 Freebsd 安全審計 Freebsd 安全審計(Freebsd security Audit)
Microsoft Windows 2008 - The Complete Reference. Reference manual from the basics.
射频卡协议ISO14443中文版 非接触式(RF card agreement ISO14443 Chinese .doc)
获取本地图片和拍照并剪辑成头像,网上demo一般功能比较少,这里我运用到自己的项目,获取头像(To obtain the local pictures and photos and clips into head, online demo general function less, I applied to their own projects, obtain the Avatar)
数值模拟专题上课作业RKDG程序来计算一维流动(Numerical simulation of the thematic class job RKDG program to calculate one-dimensional flow)
自创的差分进化算法,用于布拉格光纤光栅波长解调优化问题,含有噪声信息(Homemade differential evolution algorithm for optimization of fiber Bragg grating wavelength demodulation problems with noise information)
解决布拉格光纤光栅波长解调问题的粒子群算法,matlab实现(Particle swarm algorithm to solve the problem of fiber Bragg grating wavelength demodulation, matlab achieve)
一体机scx-4623的使用方法,可以winxp,win7上使用(Use one machine scx-4623, you can winxp, use win7)
最新Windows五笔86版输入法,新增加了字库。(The new Windows five 86 edition input method, added a new font.)
说明: 基于51单片机汽车左右转向灯内含protues原理图仿真 keil工程文件(Based on 51 single-car turn lights around protues schematic simulation keil project file contains)
Ansys 中变截面连续箱梁建模,静力分析,模态分析以及设计弯矩绘制,影响线的绘制等。(Variable cross-section continuous box girder model in Ansys, the static analysis, modal analysis, and design bending moment, influence line drawing, etc.)
使用极大似然梯度逼近来训练Boltzmann机的方法,值得深入学习。(Training restricted Boltzmann machines using approximations to the likelihood gradient)
数字化变电站保护IED模型文件编辑工具,老外免费软件,很好用。(Digital Substation IED protection model file editing tool, foreigners free software, easy to use.)
轴承振动信号数据采集以及时域频域的数据分析(Data analysis of bearing vibration signal data acquisition and time domain frequency domain)
sonar数据集,已处理成.mat格式,包括数据和类标,用于机器学习,聚类,分类等问题的研究(sonar dataset has been processed to study mat form, including data and class standard, machine learning, clustering and classification problems)
ABS related graphics, brake forces versus slip ratio.