▍1. International Journal
研究了不确定同时取送货车辆路径问题(VRPSPD),考虑运行环境的不确定性,顾客时间窗口要求和对顾客同时进行取货和送货服务的情况,以运作成本最低和顾客满意度最高为决策目标,构建不确定 VRPSPD 数学模型。模型中,引入模糊随机理论来描述决策环境中的双重不确定性,假定顾客需求量(送货量)和取货量是模糊随机变量。随后,提出基于模糊随机算子的改进粒子群算法对模型进行求解。(This article studies the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery under a fuzzy random environment. More specifically, to adapt the mathematical model and improve the algorithm performance, this approach makes improvements and modifications in encoding and decoding, multi-objective handling, and particle updating. The encoding and decoding are suitable, multiple fitness functions are used to deal with the multi-objectives, and the improved update function can help overcome the shortcomings of the basic particle swarm optimization.)