▍1. 简单socket代理
这是一个简单的socket代理程序,作为初学者可以从这个程序入门,看看如何写socket程序。 This is an simple exmaple of socket programing, it is suitable for a new learner to start with.
这是一个简单的socket代理程序,作为初学者可以从这个程序入门,看看如何写socket程序。 This is an simple exmaple of socket programing, it is suitable for a new learner to start with.
IP地址查询,可以在互联网上搜索不同的IP地址为网络编程提供个接例程-IP Address inquiries on the Internet can search different IP addresses for network access programming routines provide 000
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还有没有人研究过cdrom 的驱动源码啊,我这有linux的,-There is no one studied the source cdrom drive ah, I have linux, and
linux http tcp ip的简单服务器,请使用unix或linux访问。本机地址和端口号127.0.0.1:9734访问。
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Leach 协议协议为无线传感器网络实现ed 在 NS2。低能量自适应聚类层次结构中 (LEACH) 是最受欢迎的传感器网络层次路由算法之一。这个想法是基于接收的信号强度和使用本地群集头作为路由器到接收器的传感器节点 的形式集群。这将节省能源由于传输只将通过这种群集头而不是所有的传感器节点。
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unix program of tcp ip client server for network sockets
void DockWidget::dock() { if (!docked) { KWin::setSystemTrayWindowFor(this->winId(), 0) this->setFixedSize(24, 24) this->show() docked = true } }
麻雀虽小,五脏俱全加强版聊天室,源码来自网上搜得的,增加用户登录密码检查,聊天信息记录功能,版权归原作者所有,我只是修改下玩。在终端下执行,没有图形界面,没有创建子进程,利用int型数组保存客户accept套接字 -Sparrow may be small, fully-equipped enhanced version of chat rooms, source gathered from the Internet, and increase user login password checking, chat information recording function, belongs to original author, I just change the next play. Executed in a terminal, there is no graphical interface, did not create the child process, using an array of int type to save customers accept socket
linux 串口应用程序,实现ARM串口数据的传输-linux serial port applications, the realization of ARM serial data transmission
一个小型但功能完整的 Http 代理软件.经测试,性能良好-a small but functional integrity of Http agent software. Tested, good performance
form = new_form(fields) scale_form(form, &rows, &cols) win = newwin(rows+3, cols+4, 3, 20) subwin = derwin(win, rows, cols, 1, 2) set_form_sub(form, subwin) box(win, 0, 0) keypad(win, TRUE) post_form(form) refresh() wrefresh(win) wrefresh(subwin) //设置覆盖模式 form_driver(form, REQ_OVL_MODE)
S3C44B0 I2C的uCLINUX的驱动程序(铁电存储器FM24系列,若针对AT24系列只需在写操作中增加延时即可),本驱动士原创且经过测试。-S3C44B0 I2C uCLINUX of the Driver (ferroelectric memory YPCC series against AT24 Series if only in write operation can be increased latency), the original drive with which the test.