▍1. lpcc_xiang
c++语言开发,用于LPCC特征参数提取的,在语言识别系统中应用广泛。(c language, LPCC Features for feature extraction, in language recognition system widely used.)
c++语言开发,用于LPCC特征参数提取的,在语言识别系统中应用广泛。(c language, LPCC Features for feature extraction, in language recognition system widely used.)
声纹识别和语音识别,语音识别的模块使用的讯飞云。声纹识别的代码则是参考了Dake前辈的代码。在此提出感谢。(Voiceprint recognition and speech recognition, voice recognition module for use hearing Fei. Voiceprint identification code is a reference to the Dake predecessors code. Presented in this thanks.)
HMM语音识别,包含主要算法,进行语音识别(HMM speech recognition, contains the main algorithm for speech recognition)
使用TD-PSOLA(td-psola、psola)算法,做了一个语音合成,实现语音声调的变调,时长的变化等功能。参考praat源码,提取出其合成方法,效果不错。需要提供pitchtier、durationtier、pointprocess等准换信息文本(可由praat产生)供readfile函数读入(Use TD-PSOLA (TD-PSOLA, PSOLA algorithm, made a speech synthesis, speech tone tone sandhi, long-term changes in the function. Reference Praat source code, extract its synthetic method, the effect of the same.)
一款语音和成软件,主要是文本转语音,包括英文、普通话等(text change to speak)
C语言实现的端点检测,具有良好的效果,对于做语音识别者来说,是很好的参考(C language implementation of endpoint detection, with good results)
这是一个与语音识别与端点检测有关的文件,是用C++写的源程序,相信对大家有用(This is a speech recognition with the Endpoint Detection of the documents are written in C source files, it may be useful to think)
c语言写的wav音频文件简单处理函数源码,包括wav_io处理,提取lpc系数、plar系数,可用于语音识别和合成中。可直接调用。(wav audio files simple c language handler source, including wav_io processing, extraction lpc coefficient plar coefficient, can be used for speech recognition and synthesis. Can be called directly. )
语音合成软件,输入文字,自动生成声音文件,全部是源码(Speech synthesis software, input text, automatic generation of sound files, all the source code)
科大讯飞语音识别最新Demo,国内优秀的语音识别平台(new demo)
语音AEC的demo程序和库源代码,在win7下验证可行。(audio aec demo in windows7.)
程序功能可以基本上实现基于C语言的G.729A语音算法的解码功能,添加了部分本人的注释和理解,便于读者理解(Program features can basically C language-based decoding algorithm G.729A voice, add some of my notes and understanding, easier to understand)
PESQ是用于语音质量评估的一种方法,ITU提供了代码(P.862 : Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ): An objective method for end-to-end speech quality assessment of narrow-band telephone networks and speech codecs)
对于初学者来说是一个很好的用的阅读文件,希望在数据库方面好好的阅读,(It is a good reading document for beginners. I hope to read it well in the database.)
Use of repeater transponder controls, WebForm controls
C / winform_ multiple forms transfer data operations between each othe
声纹识别系统,顾名思义就是能够通过说话人的声音特点来判断说话人的一个系统。(Voiceprint recognition system, as the name suggests is to a system by the sound characteristics of speaker to judge the speaker.)
目前2.4kbps的混合激励线性预测 (MELP) 语音编码方法已经被确定为美国新的联邦语音编码标准.本文提出了一种改进的MELP语音编码方法,利用滤波器相似度和基于LPC系数分类的矢量量化技术,可以把MELP的码率降到1.7kbps以下,仍有较好的合成语音质量.(An Improved MELP Speech Coder)
这是语音播放接口组件,将语音数据输入,会播放声音。经过测试确保可用。(This is the voice player interface module, the voice data input, will play the sound. After testing to ensure that the.)
基于espeak的一个文本转语音的代码,可以把文本转成WAV文件(basic espaeck to translate txt to wav file)