▍1. H.264中二进制算术编码的硬件实现 H_264
H.264中二进制算术编码的硬件实现Binary arithmetic coding in H.264 hardware implementation(Binary arithmetic coding in H.264 hardware implementation)
H.264中二进制算术编码的硬件实现Binary arithmetic coding in H.264 hardware implementation(Binary arithmetic coding in H.264 hardware implementation)
Use full for knowing board details while making projects on FPGA and matlab simulations
Use full for knowing board details while making projects on FPGA and matlab simulations
基于DVI协议动态全彩LED大屏幕发送卡设计与实现,成本比较低,效果很好,可以实现高清视频(Dynamic full-color LED large screen based on the DVI protocol send a card design and relatively low cost, good effect, and can achieve high-definition video)
Clifford E. Cummings论文合集,其中关于FIFO的设计很经典(Clifford E. Cummings collection of papers, on the FIFO design classic)
AHBtoAPB设计基于AMBA总线协议的APB Bridge设计(AHB to APB designThe AHB to APB bridge interface is an AHB slave. When accessed (in normal operation or system test) it initiates an access to the APB.)
基于APB总线的UART详细设计方案和实现(APB-based detailed design and implementation of UART)
its the vhdl stuff for ddr sdram controller nice one easily understandable
program in hdl that this open mind in digital resources
this is the multiplier 3 module for the reed solomon encoder
开发板原理图 自己可以设计开发板为什么一定要买呢(Development board schematic can design their own development board why they must buy it)
说明: 银行排队系统的VHDL程序实现,可以实现排队顾客自动取号,查看前面排队人数,银行服务柜台号等。(Bank queuing system VHDL program can be achieved automatically check its customers lined up to view the queue in front of the number of its banking services, such as counters.)
设计了一基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的低频数字式相位测量仪。该测量仪包括数字式移相信号发生器和相位测量仪两部分,分别完成移相信号的发生及其频率、相位差的预置及数字显示、发生信号的移相以及移相后信号相位差和频率的测量与显示几个功能。其中数字式移相信号发生器可以产生预置频率的正弦信号,也可产生预置相位差的两路同频正弦信号,并能显示预置频率或相位差值;相位测量仪能测量移相信号的频率、相位差的测量和显示。两个部分均采用基于FPGA的数字技术实现,使得该系统具有抗干扰能力强, 可靠性好等优点。()