▍1. PCA python程序
该程序实现PCA的分类功能,程序后面有详细的解释,经检测,程序能够跑通(The program realizes the classification function of PCA. The program is explained in detail later. After testing, the program can run through.)
该程序实现PCA的分类功能,程序后面有详细的解释,经检测,程序能够跑通(The program realizes the classification function of PCA. The program is explained in detail later. After testing, the program can run through.)
说明: 该程序实现PCA的分类功能,程序后面有详细的解释,经检测,程序能够跑通(The program realizes the classification function of PCA. The program is explained in detail later. After testing, the program can run through.)
这本书旨在通过Python(对于初学者来说是最容易语言之一)的介绍和学习,教你像计算机科学家那样思考。这本书是国外中学生的教材之一,非常的通俗易懂。(How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python is an introduction to programming using Python, one of the best languages for beginners. )