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RDP-距离域分段滤波-预处理 (RDP- distance domain segment filtering preprocessing)
Imformation about DAB
1、LorenzData.mat - Lorenz 离散序列的数据文件,5000个点,内有变量:x,y,z 2、Volterra_main_luzhenbo.m - Volterra自适应预测主文件 3、Volterra_train.m - Volterra自适应预测训练部分 4、Volterra_test.m - Volterra自适应预测测试部分 5、PhaSpaRecon.m -混沌序列的相空间重构 6、TrainTestSample.m -相空间中点的轨迹分解成:训练样本与测试样本 7、PhaSpa2VoltCoef.m -由相空间构造 Volterra 自适应 FIR 滤波器的输入信号矢量 Un 8、FIR_MSE.c - 自适应滤波MSE算法,在matlab命令窗口中用:mex FIR_MSE.c 进行编译 9、FIR_MSE.dll - mex FIR_MSE.c 命令编译生成的动态链接文件(lorenzMATLAB simulation and analysis of system dynamics behavior, MATLAB simulation and analysis of system dynamics behavior)
美国PG&E69节点配电系统潮流计算原始数据(各节点和支路信息)(US PG & E69 node flow calculation raw data distribution system (each node and branch information))
基于Matlab Gui的图像去噪程序,内含多种小波去噪方式,PSNR&MSE对比等。(Based on Matlab Gui denoising procedures, containing a variety of wavelet de-noising way, PSNR & MSE contrast.)
工厂日历,类似于google的 calendar功能比较强大(the shop calendar)
DVB-T 2k模式定时估计Matlab仿真。重新修改了程序。包括DVB-T信号产生,瑞利多径信道衰减,高斯噪声加入。 定时估计的粗定时用极大似然法,细定时用分散导频。首先确定导频模式,再通过相邻导频相关确定定时偏差。此方法适用于瑞利多径信道,高斯信道,也适用于莱斯多径信道。 信道估计利用DVB-T导频,LS估计,导频位置的时间插值,非导频位置频率插值,非常有效。 该程序经过多次运行无误,不足之处在于变量使用不规范,注释简单,读程序很费劲哈。 其特点是均采用经典算法,简单有效为主,对初学者很有帮助滴。(DVB-T 2k signal, timing estimation, channel estimation)
本代码实现的是基于主成分分析的特征脸。运行环境为Matlab。(The code is based on principal component analysis feature face. Operating environment for Matlab.)
一本适合于合成孔径雷达成像技术的matlab程序设计资料,包含详细的matlab程序,中间步骤和图像(SAR image formation toolbox for MATLAB)
很好的光伏并网MATLAB仿真模型,能够实现最大功率追踪。光伏电源通过逆变器并入电网,研究光伏并网相关问题。(Good photovoltaic grid MATLAB simulation model, to achieve maximum power tracking. Incorporated by photovoltaic power inverter grid photovoltaic grid-related research issues.)
多址接入协议仿真,内含aloha、npcsma、saloha及三个测试ex1、ex2、ex3,对多址接入协议仿真与建模非常有帮忙哦,欢迎下载。(Containing multiple access protocol simulation, aloha, npcsma, saloha and three test ex1, ex2, ex3, simulation and modeling for multiple access protocol is a lot of help oh, welcome to download.)
多址接入协议仿真,内含aloha、npcsma、saloha及三个测试ex1、ex2、ex3,对多址接入协议仿真与建模非常有帮忙哦,欢迎下载。(Containing multiple access protocol simulation, aloha, npcsma, saloha and three test ex1, ex2, ex3, simulation and modeling for multiple access protocol is a lot of help oh, welcome to download.)
China tennis open boo, which of the following events than "four big super specifications
自学MATLAB的60个小程序。容易上手(60 small self-study program MATLAB. Easy to use)
Visual C++_MATLAB图像处理与识别实用案例精选(Visual C++ _MATLAB practical image processing and recognition of selected cases)