▍1. knowledge and examples of D8SQLDOC,no having password of decompression
D8SQLDOC 学习 和案例 没有解压密码-knowledge and examples of D8SQLDOC,no having password of decompression
D8SQLDOC 学习 和案例 没有解压密码-knowledge and examples of D8SQLDOC,no having password of decompression
多位的加减运算,允许有负数.-number of addition and subtraction operations and allow a negative.
TTGPSLogger is a GPS logger software for Symbian S60 3rd Edition(FP1, FP2) and 5th Edition. The GPS tracking log can be written in NMEA, GPX, or KML format by using Built-in GPS or Bluetooth GPS. **Note: It is necessary to sign TTGPSLogger on the Web site of Open Signed Online before installing it. Please read GettingStarted for details.**
51单片机ds1302驱动程序,肯定是好地-51 drivers, is certainly well
应用松翰母体写的充电器一款!好像是锂电的!-application SoniX mother was one of the Chargers! Lithium-- seems to be!
操作系统试验代码-operating system test code
主要介绍算法的实现方式和流水线实现,而且有详细的原理介绍,推理,源码和仿真结果-The main way of introduction Algorithm and pipelining to achieve, but also has a detailed introduction of the principle, reasoning, source code and simulation results
指南描述了如何实现小型且高速的中断驱动步进马达控制器-guide describes how to achieve the small size and high-speed interrupt-driven stepper motor controller
Opprimobot - a Starcraft AI bot Since Google Code is shutting down the project has moved to GitHub. Downloads Latest release 15.4 can be downloaded here. Using Opprimobot Opprimobot is free to use in your own research or education projects. The only requirement is that if you publish anything that is based on Opprimobot (or BTHAI), add the following reference: Johan Hagelbäck. "Potential-Field Based navigation in Starcraft". In Proceedings of 2012 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), 2012. Opprimobot uses the BWAPI project for communication with the Starcraft game engine. About the author Opprimobot (and its precursor BTHAI) is developed by Dr. Johan Hagelbäck, Assistant Professor in artificial int
某企业ERP,人员基本信息模块,在.net平台,使用的语言是c#-an enterprise ERP, basic information module, the. Net platform, the use of language is c#
4b5b和6b8b扰码接口程序,在CCS6000下测试通过。-4b5b 6b8b scrambler and the interface procedures, the CCS6000 under test.
数字的识别各种文档,印刷提和手写体的,希望对大家有所帮助-Identification of a variety of digital files, printed and handwritten mention, I hope to help everyone
The goal of the Interactive Graphics Library is to provide better and interactive plotting routines for the Direct Graphics system of the Interactive Data Language (IDL). It comes with a set of plotting routines which enhance the traditional IDL plotting commands such as PLOT, CONTOUR, etc. It is written as an Object Oriented framework and is built upon the Catalyst library.