首页 » OpenGL图像 » VC++语言使用OpenGL绘制一系列的组合图形


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vc++中使用opengl语言绘制一系列的组合图形-vc++ language using opengl drawing a series of combination of graphics



0 个回复

  • 这个例子演示了使用OpenGL创建一支蜡烛火焰的影响…
    该例子演示了使用OPENGL创建蜡烛火焰的效果,包含完整源代码,使学习游戏中火焰粒子运动及爆炸粒子运动的好-The example demonstrates the use of OpenGL to create the effect of a candle flame, including complete source code, make learning games flame particle and particle explosion good Dongdong
    2022-07-12 11:22:16下载
  • SHOPNC O2O 系统
    php source ,前台开源,ShopNC多用户商城,采用了全新的框架体系,呈现给您不同于以往的操作模式,更简约的界面,更流畅的搜索机制,更具人性化的管理后台操作,更适应现在网络的运营模式解决方案,为您的创业之路打下了坚实的基础,你们的需求就是我们的动力。我们在原有的C-C模式的基础上更增添了时下最流行的团购频道,进一步的为您提高用户的活跃度以及黏性提供帮助。
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  • OpenGL 作例子
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  • 研究研opengl的请参看以下程序
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  • simulated solar physics movement and the achievement of texture, movement contro...
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  • 整合,利用数值食谱
    #include < math.h > #define EPS 1.0e-6 #define JMAX 20 #define JMAXP (JMAX + 1) #define K 5 NRANSI #define / * #include"nrutil.h"* / 浮 qromb (浮法 (* func)(float)、 浮浮法 a、 b) { void polint (浮 xa []、 浮震遐 [],int n、 浮 x 浮法 * y、 浮动 * dy) ; 浮 trapzd (float (* func)(float)、 浮法 a、 浮法 b、 int n) ; void nrerror (char error_text[]) ; 浮法 ss,决策支持系统 ;
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  • 增加的典型方法
    The typical approach to adding in-game media such as movies and television has been to cycle through a series of textures. In order to play even a short show meant that a lot of texture swapping and memory had to be used, so the idea was to replace this method with a MPEG decoder and display each pixel as a polygon. I believe this is the first example of this method for two main reasons, firstly it takes a lot of processing to read the frames and display the large number of polygons but this is no longer a problem with the latest video cards, and secondly, it is no picnic writing a MPEG decoder. Fortunately I didn t have to write the MPEG decoder, I have used and modified the freely available source code ported to Win32 by Thanassis Tsiodras which was originally released by the University of California in 1992, back when there was a greater open source ethic.
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