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Lab3-5-1 SD_Card

于 2020-06-20 发布 文件大小:499KB
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  Interrupt the program, this is a problem to communicate.


.ccsproject, 512 , 2016-03-22
.cproject, 27828 , 2016-03-22
.launches, 0 , 2019-04-24
.launches\Lab06-1 SD_Card.launch, 3705 , 2014-06-03
.launches\Lab06-3 SD_Card.launch, 3965 , 2014-05-29
.project, 846 , 2016-03-22
.settings, 0 , 2019-04-24
.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.codan.core.prefs, 62 , 2016-03-22
.settings\org.eclipse.cdt.debug.core.prefs, 123 , 2014-06-03
.settings\org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs, 1096 , 2014-05-29
Debug, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\ccsObjs.opt, 732 , 2016-03-22
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_FLASH.pp, 929 , 2016-03-21
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMAP.pp, 918 , 2016-03-21
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMM.pp, 1013 , 2016-03-21
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_TLV.pp, 907 , 2016-03-21
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_UCS.pp, 1013 , 2016-03-21
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\subdir_rules.mk, 4223 , 2016-03-22
Debug\F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\subdir_vars.mk, 1454 , 2016-03-22
Debug\FatFs, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\FatFs\ff.pp, 365 , 2016-03-21
Debug\FatFs\HAL_SDCard.pp, 797 , 2016-03-21
Debug\FatFs\mmc.pp, 644 , 2016-03-21
Debug\FatFs\subdir_rules.mk, 2470 , 2016-03-22
Debug\FatFs\subdir_vars.mk, 750 , 2016-03-22
Debug\Lab06-1 SD_Card.map, 75945 , 2016-03-21
Debug\Lab06-1 SD_Card_linkInfo.xml, 620145 , 2016-03-21
Debug\Lab06-3 SD_Card.map, 70730 , 2014-05-29
Debug\Lab06-3 SD_Card.out, 328730 , 2014-05-29
Debug\Lab06-3 SD_Card_linkInfo.xml, 568536 , 2014-05-29
Debug\main.pp, 2051 , 2016-03-21
Debug\makefile, 6224 , 2016-03-22
Debug\objects.mk, 250 , 2016-03-22
Debug\sources.mk, 1988 , 2016-03-22
Debug\subdir_rules.mk, 2371 , 2016-03-22
Debug\subdir_vars.mk, 756 , 2016-03-22
Debug\task.pp, 1923 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_CDC_API, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_CDC_API\subdir_rules.mk, 1075 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_CDC_API\subdir_vars.mk, 604 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_CDC_API\UsbCdc.pp, 433 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_Common, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_Common\dma.pp, 1437 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_Common\subdir_rules.mk, 1835 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_Common\subdir_vars.mk, 764 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_Common\usb.pp, 2687 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_HID_API, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_HID_API\subdir_rules.mk, 1870 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_HID_API\subdir_vars.mk, 830 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_HID_API\UsbHid.pp, 1719 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_HID_API\UsbHidReq.pp, 1565 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API\subdir_rules.mk, 2704 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API\subdir_vars.mk, 1134 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API\UsbMscReq.pp, 1816 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API\UsbMscScsi.pp, 1981 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_MSC_API\UsbMscStateMachine.pp, 2109 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_API\USB_PHDC_API, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_API\USB_PHDC_API\subdir_rules.mk, 1082 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_PHDC_API\subdir_vars.mk, 616 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_API\USB_PHDC_API\UsbPHDC.pp, 447 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_config, 0 , 2019-04-24
Debug\USB_config\descriptors.pp, 1339 , 2016-03-21
Debug\USB_config\subdir_rules.mk, 1804 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_config\subdir_vars.mk, 734 , 2016-03-22
Debug\USB_config\UsbIsr.pp, 1939 , 2016-03-21
Debug\usbEventHandling.pp, 1539 , 2016-03-21
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib, 0 , 2019-04-24
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_FLASH.c, 6518 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_FLASH.h, 6718 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_MACROS.h, 3914 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMAP.c, 4810 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMAP.h, 4419 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMM.c, 11514 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_PMM.h, 7879 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_TLV.c, 8050 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_TLV.h, 12779 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_UCS.c, 11526 , 2014-07-15
F5xx_F6xx_Core_Lib\HAL_UCS.h, 9565 , 2014-07-15
FatFs, 0 , 2019-04-24
FatFs\00readme.txt, 6017 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\diskio.h, 3037 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\ff.c, 137712 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\ff.h, 12156 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\ffconf.h, 7510 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\HAL_SDCard.c, 10635 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\HAL_SDCard.h, 2225 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\integer.h, 1183 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\mmc.c, 24337 , 2014-07-15
FatFs\mmc.h, 77 , 2014-07-15
lnk_msp430f5529.cmd, 13838 , 2014-05-29
main.c, 7279 , 2014-07-15
msp430USB.cmd, 1347 , 2014-07-15
targetConfigs, 0 , 2019-04-24
targetConfigs\MSP430F5529.ccxml, 822 , 2014-07-15
targetConfigs\readme.txt, 806 , 2014-07-15
task.c, 3445 , 2014-07-15
task.h, 835 , 2014-07-15



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