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于 2009-02-16 发布 文件大小:470KB
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  • 数据结构与算法-面向对象的C++设计模式
    数据结构与算法-面向对象的C++设计模式 电子书籍(Learning source code)
    2020-06-16 04:00:01下载
  • 黑客与画家_chinese
    本书是硅谷创业之父Paul Graham 的文集,主要介绍黑客即优秀程序员的爱好和动机,讨论黑客成长、黑客对世界的贡献以及编程语言和黑客工作方法等所有对计算机时代感兴趣的人的一些话题。书中的内容不但有助于了解计算机编程的本质、互联网行业的规则,还会帮助读者了解我们这个时代,迫使读者独立思考。 本书适合所有程序员和互联网创业者,也适合一切对计算机行业感兴趣的读者。(This book is the father of the Paul Graham Valley venture anthology, which mainly introduces the hackers good programmers interest and motivation, discussed some topics of interest, the hacker hacker growth contribution to the world as well as the programming language and the working methods of computer hackers all age people. The content of the book will not only help us understand the nature of computer programming, the rules of the Internet industry, but also help readers understand our times, forcing readers to think independently.)
    2017-10-29 10:48:18下载
  • C Primer Plus 第6版 中文版
    说明:  C Primer Plus 第6版 中文版,针对C11标准进行全面更新,经久不衰的C语言畅销经典教程,本书详细讲解了C语言的基本概念和编程技巧。(The 6th edition of C Primer Plus in Chinese is a long-standing classic course of C language best-selling, which comprehensively updates the C11 standard. This book explains the basic concepts and programming skills of C language in detail.)
    2020-05-26 11:04:48下载
  • Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 5.23.17 pm
    hope it helps upload gg as
    2017-06-05 09:10:50下载
  • 基于模型的设计_MCU篇
    基于模型的设计_MCU篇,讲解基于模型设计的思想和方法(Model based design _MCU explains the ideas and methods of model-based design)
    2021-04-29 10:18:43下载
  • MATLAB数字信号处理85个实用案例精讲.入门到进阶3
    说明:  MATLAB数字信号处理85个实用案例精讲.入门到进阶第三部分 由于平台大小限制,请到我个人主页下载完3个部分一起观看(85 practical cases of matlab digital signal processing Due to the size limitation of the platform, please go to my personal homepage to download the three parts and watch them together)
    2021-02-06 23:18:04下载
  • PDF版指纹识别教程
    说明:  这里是一整套指纹识别的学习教程,详细讲述了指纹识别的相关知识,有这方面兴趣的朋友不妨看看!(here is a set of fingerprints to identify the learning guide, a detailed account of fingerprint identification associated knowledge, this interest is a friend to take a look!)
    2020-11-02 09:09:54下载
  • 简单粗暴LaTeX
    说明:  全面的LaTeX教程书籍,适合入门和进阶参考 。(A comprehensive LaTeX tutorial book, suitable for entry and advanced reference.)
    2020-11-24 13:13:40下载
  • Matlab编程(第2版)S.J.Chapman 邢树军 郑碧波译
    主要是介绍matlab的使用,利于初学者学习与提高。(It mainly introduces the use of MATLAB, which is good for beginners to learn and improve.)
    2018-04-05 22:51:31下载
  • chronuxintroduction
    说明:  一款神经电生理信号分析工具包chronux的几个教程,可用于分析LFP、spike等信号各自或相互之间的关系。(Several tutorials of chronux, a neural electrophysiological signal analysis toolkit, can be used to analyze the relationship between signals such as LFP, spike and so on.)
    2021-01-22 11:08:45下载
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