这个程序的头文件中包含四种排序方法:泡沫排序法(bubble),插入排序法(insertion),快速排序法(quick)和选择排序法(selection)。头文件中还使用了模板技术,以便可以同时实现几种类型的排序算法。 dinimicky_hu对原程序做了修改和优化,使用了函数指针数组,并修改了一个BUG-The head file of this programme includes 4 methods of sorting : Bublle sorting,insertion sorting,quick sorting and selection sorting.Some template technics are included in the head file in order to make these sorting metods achieved in the same time . The source code is recomposed and optimized by Dinimicky_hu , using the some arrays of function pointer ,and amened some bugs.