n去除C++中不容易理解的部分,如指针 n语法与C语言类似 n面向对象 n纯面向对象 n对软件工程技术有很强的支持.掌握面向对象基本概念 n学习并理解Java基...
n去除C++中不容易理解的部分,如指针 n语法与C语言类似 n面向对象 n纯面向对象 n对软件工程技术有很强的支持.掌握面向对象基本概念 n学习并理解Java基本语法 n运用Java语言进行简单应用-n Removal C is not easy to understand, such as pointer n language syntax similar to C and Object-Oriented n n n pure object-oriented software engineering technology has a strong support. Master the basic concepts of object-oriented n learning and understanding the basic syntax n Java using Java language for the simple application