说明: 目前我们的生活中到处都有基于ARM架构的芯片,移动互联网时代到来之后,尤其在智能手机领域,ARM可以说是处于统治地位,其他的类似平板电脑以及安卓设备等也都在采用ARM架构。 不过虽然ARM应用这么广泛,但是相关教材却比较少,让很多爱好者学习比较困难,而《ARM汇编语言官方手册》这本官方手册的发布给正在研究ARM汇编的人们提供了很大的帮助。文末有《ARM汇编语言官方手册》pdf免费资源分享,欢迎大家下载学习。 《ARM汇编语言官方手册》一共分为7个章节,不仅详细介绍了ARM的体系结构,还对汇编语言模块进行了深入的探究。手册中整理了绝大部分汇编中可能遇到的语法格式问题和ARM指令,给从业者研究ARM带来了很大的便利。 如果你想要赶上万物智联和人工智能的风潮并加入其中,那ARM绝对不可错过,现在文末免费分享《ARM汇编语言官方手册》PDF版本,欢迎下载学习。(At present, there are chips based on ARM architecture everywhere in our life. After the arrival of the mobile Internet era, especially in the field of smart phones, arm can be said to be in the dominant position. Other similar tablet computers and Android devices are also using ARM architecture. However, although arm is widely used, there are few related teaching materials, which makes it difficult for many lovers to learn. The official Manual of arm assembly language provides great help for people who are studying arm assembly language. At the end of the article, there is "arm assembly language official manual" PDF free resource sharing, welcome to download and learn.)
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