说明: Matlab/Simulink通信系统建模与仿真实例分析学习辅导和习题详解(Matlab / Simulink communication system modeling and simulation example analysis learning guidance and exercises explanation)
ch2problem16script.m, 1289 , 2009-08-09
ch2problem15.mdl, 20529 , 2009-08-09
ch2problem14script.m, 187 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem14.mdl, 28089 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem12.mdl, 20534 , 2009-08-08
ch2example22Sfun.m, 1096 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem11.mdl, 18266 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem11Sfun.m, 1043 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem10.mdl, 20688 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem10Sfun.m, 1317 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem9.mdl, 21438 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem9Sfun.m, 1062 , 2009-08-08
ch2problem8.mdl, 28213 , 2009-08-07
ch2problem8Sfun.m, 993 , 2009-08-07
ch2problem7.mdl, 24949 , 2009-08-07
ch2problem7Sfun.m, 1087 , 2009-08-07
ch2problem6main.m, 590 , 2009-08-06
ch2problem6statefun.m, 611 , 2009-08-06
ch2problem5statefun.m, 355 , 2009-08-06
ch2problem5main.m, 1120 , 2009-08-06
ch2problem2.m, 766 , 2009-08-05
pendulumstateeq.m, 698 , 2009-08-05
rcstateequation.m, 443 , 2009-08-05
ch2problem1.m, 683 , 2009-08-05
eulerode.m, 961 , 2009-08-05
ch1problem5.m, 322 , 2009-08-05
ch1problem3.m, 856 , 2009-08-05
ch1problem2.m, 805 , 2009-08-05
audio.wav, 80070 , 2009-09-02
ch2prob24Sfun.m, 1255 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem24.mdl, 20565 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem23.mdl, 20690 , 2009-09-03
prob2_22_10000Hz.wav, 560044 , 2009-09-03
prob2_22_6000Hz.wav, 560044 , 2009-09-03
prob2_22_8000Hz.wav, 560044 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem21b.mdl, 23135 , 2009-09-03
audioch2problem21b.wav, 220570 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem21.mdl, 22831 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem20.mdl, 27742 , 2009-09-03
ch2problem19.mdl, 25682 , 2009-09-03
snowwhite.wav, 372072 , 2009-09-02
ch2problem18.mdl, 20816 , 2009-09-02
ch2problem18zj.mdl, 21287 , 2009-09-02
audiozj.wav, 80070 , 2009-09-02
ch2problem17.mdl, 21225 , 2009-09-02
ch5problem6.mdl, 42454 , 2009-09-14
ch5prob6output.wav, 80070 , 2009-09-14
ch5prob6input.wav, 203086 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem5C.mdl, 70148 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem5.mdl, 70177 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem5B.mdl, 66043 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem5A.m, 787 , 2009-09-14
调频广播编码器技术参数和测量方法GB.pdf, 266033 , 2009-09-14
米波调频广播技术规范GB.pdf, 347948 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem4.mdl, 35015 , 2009-09-14
ch5problem4signalfun.m, 124 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem3Myhilbert.m, 329 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem2.mdl, 35157 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem2prog.m, 727 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem1B.mdl, 50534 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem1progB.m, 502 , 2009-10-18
ch5problem1prog.m, 497 , 2009-09-13
ch5problem1.mdl, 47186 , 2009-09-13
ch3problem18.mdl, 23863 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem17B.mdl, 22453 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem17.mdl, 20843 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem16FSK.mdl, 28939 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem16PSK.mdl, 26821 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem16ASK.mdl, 24481 , 2009-09-12
ch3problem15.mdl, 25672 , 2009-09-11
ch3problem14B.mdl, 29843 , 2009-09-09
ch3problem14.mdl, 29419 , 2009-09-09
ch3problem13.mdl, 19615 , 2009-09-08
ch3prob13sfun.m, 1605 , 2009-09-08
ch3problem12.mdl, 42842 , 2009-09-08
ch3prob12A.m, 1530 , 2009-09-08
ch3problem11.mdl, 31930 , 2009-09-07
ch3prob10B.m, 485 , 2009-09-07
ch3prob10A.m, 382 , 2009-09-07
ch3problem9B.mdl, 21853 , 2009-09-07
ch3problem9A.mdl, 21425 , 2009-09-07
ch3problem8A.mdl, 21327 , 2009-09-07
ch3prob8.m, 265 , 2009-09-07
ch3problem7.mdl, 22275 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob6meth3filterd.wav, 160046 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob6B.m, 627 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem6.mdl, 51860 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob6org.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob6filter.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem6B.mdl, 52653 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob6.m, 346 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem5B.mdl, 44162 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem5.mdl, 39948 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob5filter.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob5filter25dBdepress.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob5filter15dBdepress.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob5filter5dBdepress.wav, 160070 , 2009-09-06
ch3prob5org.wav, 196652 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem4B.mdl, 35508 , 2009-09-06
ch3problem4A.mdl, 35390 , 2009-09-06