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于 2014-02-25 发布 文件大小:3KB
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  computation of intensity factors in piezoelectric solids



0 个回复

  • Fresnel_integrals
    calculates the Fresnel integrals using the error function for complex inputs abd calculates the field for each path of the Epstein & Peterson model
    2015-01-03 19:48:47下载
  • seaclutter22
    双基地二阶海杂波仿真程序;matlab。(Bistatic order sea clutter simulation program matlab.)
    2012-11-08 19:11:34下载
  • use
    元胞自动机 nasch 模型!单条道路上模拟 的(a cellular automaton,nasch model on one lane)
    2014-02-11 02:52:04下载
  • source-code
    用D-CNN的方法,即CNN卷积层加Fisher Vector做图像分类的MATLAB代码(Use D-CNN approach ( Fisher Vector follows results of CNN convolutional layer as the image feature) to classificate the image)
    2015-05-06 16:56:38下载
  • 通信半径增加的变化趋势
    在1x1的单位矩形中随机部署传感器节点,而且假设每个节点的通信半径一样,要求利用蒙特卡洛算法进行1000次试验分别模拟出连通率随节点数增加以及通信半径增加的变化趋势。(Random units deployed in 1x1 rectangular sensor nodes, and assumed that the communication radius of each node, requires the use of Monte Carlo algorithm to simulate the 1000 trials were increased with the number of nodes increased connectivity and communication radius increasing trends.)
    2020-06-29 01:00:02下载
  • cyclostationary_toolbox
    循环平稳工具箱,详细介绍了循环平稳工具箱的使用方法,并提供了大量的程序代码(Toolbox Cyclostationary details Cyclostationary toolbox to use and provide a large amount of program code)
    2008-04-24 20:34:59下载
  • Mimotool
    多输入多输出模型,比较详细,融合了很多的误差模型(the MIMO function model to get thebest control system design)
    2009-05-18 10:56:35下载
  • ea88b0036898
    CHILD M-file for child.fig CHILD, by itself, creates a new CHILD or raises the existing singleton*. H = CHILD returns the handle to a new CHILD or the handle to the existing singleton*. CHILD( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local function named CALLBACK in CHILD.M with the given input arguments. CHILD( Property , Value ,...) creates a new CHILD or raises the existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are applied to the GUI before child_OpeningFcn gets called. An unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application stop. All inputs are passed to child_OpeningFcn via varargin. *See GUI Options on GUIDE s Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)".
    2012-07-06 21:14:28下载
  • Rosen
    Rosen梯度投影法,用于解决非线性规划的线性约束问题,可用于解决matlab程序(Rosen gradient projection method for solving nonlinear programming problem with linear constraints can be used to solve matlab program)
    2013-09-25 08:49:09下载
  • water-table-level-with-REF
    应用REF实现地下水位预测,可以在MATLAB中完美运行,好的思想,值得交流。(Application of REF to realize the prediction of groundwater level, can run perfectly in MATLAB, good ideas, worthy of exchanges.)
    2015-04-15 14:50:14下载
  • 696518资源总数
  • 104269会员总数
  • 42今日下载